Original Stunning NCO (Unteroffizier) Waffenrock which is gold piped for Wehrmacht (Heer) Kavallerie (Cavalry). The shoulder boards have added regimental cyphers denoting Kavallerie-Regiment 15, the buttons bear the number 4 for the 4. Schwadron. Researching the 4. Schwadron/ Kavallerie-Regiment 15, we learn that when the unit was disbanded the 4. Schwadron used to form the 1. Kompanie/ Aufklärungs-Abteilung 16 of the 16. Infanterie-Division (later 16. Panzer-Division) which was destroyed in Stalingrad! Condition as seen, the tunic is well preserved with some staining and complete with all its insignia. There are loops to hang an award. The tunic is labeled by A. Losberger, Stuttgart and named inside to a Müller, dated October 1937.
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