Original lot of some literature - booklets including the Evangelische & Katholisches Feldgesangbuch, Den Vertrag von Versailles and Loefs Schiffsmodell-Baubriefe – Nr. 1 – Zerstörer “Karl Galster”. Condition as seen.
Scarce large-size (36x26 cm)"Kampf und Sieg einer Panzer-Division im Balkanfeldzug" booklet. Follows the 5. Panzer-Division (incl. Panzer-Regiment 31 "Roten Teufel") throughout the Balkan in 1941. Comes with a extra letter (Oberleutnant Melnzer des Aufklärungs-Staffel 2 (H), which was subordinated to the 5. Panzer-Division). Published by Hauptmann Kohlhardt.