Original Soldbuch & Wehrpass of Feldwebel Wilhelm Schnäbele, born on November 21, 1910 in Karlsruhe and was a Kaufmann-Angestellter. The Soldbuch was opened on April 12, 1940 by 4. (M.G.) / Ersatz-Kompanie 435.. He wore the Erkennungsmarke: -598- 4./Inf.Ers.Btl.435. He probably was a Rechnungsführer (or atleast after April ‘44).He served with the following (notable) unit(s):
(1) Belonged to the 278. Infanterie-Division
(2) Belonged to the 180. Infanterie-Division (Venlo, Wesel, Ruhrkessel)04.01.1944-15.07.1944 Abschnitt insel Walcheren !16.07.1944-07.09.1944 Abschnitt Antwerpen !He earned the following award(s):
on 20.04.1944 the Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern
01.11.1940 to Oberschütze
01.04.1941 to Gefreiter
01.07.1942 to Obergefreiter
01.07.1943 to Unteroffizier
01.04.1945 to Feldwebel
Was equipped with several pistols throughout his years incl. the P35, P08 and a belgian Pistol.
Driving permit for Uffz. Stürmer of Feldpostnummer 10736 ( Stab Nachschub-Bataillon 151 ) to pick up Unterarzt Gusch to drive him from Antwerpen to Luik for medical overview of leaving troops.
3x Original Death Cards of Alfons de Wolf, who was serving with the VAVV in Flanders. He was killed in an accident after the war. Interesting death card with the VAVV logo and as well a portrait photo of him in VAVV uniform.