Original Postwar Signature on a Postwar Photo of Wilhelm Meyn. Leutnant Wilhelm Leutnant (03.06.1923 in Hamburg † 04.05.2002 in Hoppstädten-Weiersbach) earned the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on January 28, 1944 and the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on October 24, 1944 as Leutnant und Staffelführer of the 9. Staffel/ Schlachtgeschwader 3.
Provenance: This signature comes from one of the largest postwar signature collection I’ve ever commissioned. This collection was started by a Waffen-SS Veteran, Werner H., in the 1950’s until he passed away.
Original Postwar Signature on a Postwar Photo of Wilhelm Meyn. Leutnant Wilhelm Meyn (03.06.1923 in Hamburg † 04.05.2002 in Hoppstädten-Weiersbach) earned the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on January 28, 1944 and the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on October 24, 1944 as Leutnant und Staffelführer of the 9. Staffel/ Schlachtgeschwader 3.
Provenance: This signature comes from one of the largest postwar signature collection I’ve ever commissioned. This collection was started by a Waffen-SS Veteran, Werner H., in the 1950’s until he passed away.
Interesting and Scarge large Stuka document set! More interestingly, he was awarded the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold in 1945 and was active in Africa! Sadly, the DKIG document is missing, was it ever there (due 1945?). Also the rare and beautiful Erinnungsmedaille für den italienische-deutschen Feldzug in Afrika is within the group together with his Africa cufftitle document! TOP SET!
This set is also excellent to make further research too.
The set contains the award documents for:
Armelband "Afrika"
Erinnungsmedaille für den italienische-deutschen Feldzug in Afrika (Signed by Kurt Kuhlmey) (RK)
Frontflug-Spange für Kampfflieger in Gold (Signed by Kurt Kuhlmey) (RK)
Frontflug-Spange für Kampfflieger in Silber (Signed by Hans Neumann ?)
Frontflug-Spange für Kampfflieger in Bronze(Signed by Kurt Kuhlmey) (RK)
Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse (Signed by Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring) (Diamonds!)
Original Wartime Portrait of Oberleutnant Heinrich Kempken (18.06.1920 † 15.11.2006), who earned the Ritterkreuz on October 29, 1944 as Fahnenjunker-Feldwebel of the 7. Staffel/ Schlachtgeschwader 3. Good condition. Measuring: 11x8cm. Signed postwar on the front and wartime on the back ('Dein Heinz').