Original Wehrpass (Military ID) of Gefreiter Görtz who served with the 11. Kompanie/ Grenadier-Regiment 736 of the 716. Infanterie-Division. Just prior to the Invasion of Normandy on April 1, 1944 he was promoted to Gefreiter. The unit was positioned near Luc-sur-Mer at Sword Beach! Comes with a few photos, paper and old money.
Find a little more info, that the Kompanie also defended itself against Canadian landings at Tailleville. Read more: Battle of Douvres Radar Station.
Battalion III./ Grenadier-Regiment 736, Feldpost FpNr: 43019 was commanded by Major Pipor. His HQ at Cresserons, was also the Gefechtsstand: KVU-Gr. Luc (KV-Gruppe Riva Bella). A Bodenständigen: static (garrison) battalion it had virtually no transport. Its commander positioned two of his companies, in such a way that he would influence the first two days of the battle of Douvres radar station.
Kompanie 11 ( Kdr Hauptmann Hans Gutsche), with Stab-Zug: South of Tailleville, Second in command: Oberleutnant Heinrich Korzilius. Tasked as Battalion III./ Reserve Kp11., was sited Northwest of Douvres, South of Tailleville: Hinzu kommen Positionen in offener Feltmessige Anlage (Fa) in Type 1 Field Trenches, with 12 machine guns and one Kp. Mortar. It would hold up a Canadian attempt to flank the site and attack it from the northwest
The most strongly defended position, in the Canadian sector, it was not taken on D-Day, its approaches well defended by Kompanie 11./ Battalion III./ Grenadier-Regtiment 736., sited astride the D219 road and in La Bruyere Wood