Original Waffen-SS Wehrpass of SS-Unterscharführer Bande, who served with the 5. Kompanie/ SS-Polizei-Regiment 5 until he got wounded on January 1, 1941. Then several Genesung (Recovery) and Ersatz (Reserve) units before ending with the 3. Batterie/ SS-Flak-Abteilung 10 of the 10. SS-Panzer-Division “Frundsberg”. Took part in several Lehrgänge (Courses) most interestingly as a 88 cm Geschützführerlehrang (Gun leader of a 8,8cm). He most likely took part in the division’s first battles in Ukraine in April 1944. Afterwards, the unit was transferred to the west, where it fought the Allies in France during the Battle of Normandy and later at Arnhem during Operation Market Garden. The division was moved to Pomerania, then fought south east of Berlin in the Lusatian area until the end of the war. Complete with all pages and photo. Condition as seen.
Page 26: Signature of SS-Hauptsturmführer Hans Frölich (served with the LSSAH and 3./ SS-Flak-Abt. 10)
Page 35: Interesting Hilversum stamp.