Estimated shipping costs are calculated when you add (an) item(s) to your basket and go to the checkout area. In some cases, the estimated shipping costs are not final, you will then be notified after ordering.
Estimated shipping costs are calculated when you add (an) item(s) to your basket and go to the checkout area. In some cases, the estimated shipping costs are not final, you will then be notified after ordering.
Documents, Photographs, Signatures, Insignia and other small material are mostly send in standard or foam enveloppes to reduce shipping costs (and avoid import fees). Larger orders and militaria are send within a box. You can always request to have your items shipped within a box instead of an enveloppe (this may result in higher shipping costs).
Please note, these are average estimated delivery times. Unexpected delays are always possible or longer shipping times delays due to popular holidays.
Enveloppes are never insured. Boxes may be insured through us (up to max. €500). If you would like your shipping order fully insured, contact us. This will cost extra.