The Russo-Japanese War Medal was established on March 31, 1906 by Imperial Edict No. 51 in recognition of those who served in the Russo-Japanese War during the 37th and 38th years of the Meiji period (1904–1905). The Russo-Japanese War was fought between the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan over rival imperial ambitions in Manchuria and Korea. The major theatres of operations were the Liaodong Peninsula and Mukden in Southern Manchuria and the seas around Korea, Japan and the Yellow Sea.
Original medal in overall good condition with matching wooden case with golden lettering. Ribbon is a bit dirty.
Original Wartime Portrait of a Luftwaffe Oberfeldwebel wearing the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold. Interesting to see the retouched EK1 in the photo. Condition as seen. Postcardsize.
Original Erkennungsmarke “Stm.Komp.Pi.Ers.2” which stands for Stammkompanie/ Pionier-Ersatz-Bataillon 2. Pasted with tape on the back to keep the two parts together. Condition as seen.
Original Wehrmacht Jod-Katgut medical suture, dated Keimfrei gemacht on 28.7.37, Angekauft on 30.3.37 and marked Wehrkreis-Sanitätspark I, Königsberg. Unopened and in good condition.
Original Wehrmacht Jod-Katgut medical suture, dated Keimfrei gemacht on 12. Juni 1939 and marked Wehrkreis-Sanitäts-Park IV, Leipzig. Unopened and in good condition.