Original Wehrmacht (Heer) studioportrait of a NCO soldier wearing awards (Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen, Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz and Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse). Postcardsize. Condition as seen.
Original Wehrmacht (Heer) studioportrait of an Officer wearing awards (Allgemeines-Sturmabzeichen, Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber or Gold (?) and Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse). Postcardsize. Condition as seen.
Original Soldbuch of Oberleutnant Arno Ringel, who served with the Landesschützen-Bataillon 554. Feldkommandantur 1013. Regimentsgruppe 348 and Grenadier-Regiment 216. The Grenadier-Regiment 216 was part of the 102. Infanterie-Division. He was decorated with the Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse, Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse and in 1945 the Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse! He was wounded in February 1945 so most likely in fighting in Germany.
Condition as seen. Complete with photo. Extra papers are in the Sodlbuch like his driver's license etc. Can't guarantee the EKII and EKI entries due they are a bit off priced accordingly.
Original Waffen-SS Soldbuch of SS-Sturmmann Heinz Martin, who served with the SS-Artillerie-Regiment "Florian Geyer" of the SS-Kavallerie-Division "Florian Geyer". He died on October 17, 1944 of his shrapnel wounds in Hungary. Complete with photo and extra papers.
Original Set with Soldbuch, a 1957 Marine Frontspange and 2x Papers (related to his brother who went MIA at Grischino during the Massacre of Grischino) of Marine-Hauptgefreiter Zielosko who for most of the war served on the Minensuchboot "M-255". During his service, he earned the Minensucher-Abzeichen and Marine-Frontspange in Bronze (awards signed in the soldbuch by the commanders Witt & Diekhoff!). Soldbuch is complete with photo.
You can find the history of the M-255 on the Marinearchive!
Original KIA Soldbuch of Unteroffizier Eberhard Lieder, who is still listed as Missing however since his Soldbuch is available - this was likely taken from his body. According to the DRK, he most likely went missing during the Battle of Berlin in the many house-to-house fightings which caused a lot of KIA to never be identified as they died solely most of the time without witnesses.
The Soldbuch includes 2 photographs and an award document for the Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz.
Soldbuch is complete but in bad condition.
Original Soldbuch & Award document set of Gefreiter Markowitz, who served with Grenadier-Regiment 545 and Grenadier-Regiment 942 of the 353. Infanterie-Division. He was decorated with Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz and Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse. He received the EK2 for actions on the Westfront at Merode (area of) ! Soldbuch complete with photo. Documents were denazified. Condition as seen.
Interesting division that took part in the Battle of Normandy, Germany etc.!
Original award document for the Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern, which was awarded by the Festungs-Division Kreta, signed by Generalleutnant Josef Flottmann. Condition as seen.
Original set of a Kavallerie soldier consisting of his Wehrpass, Erkennungsmarke (Dog Tag), 2x Award documents, Extra Papers and Booklet!
He served most notably with the Reiter-Regiment 31 of the 3. Kavallerie-Brigade / Division. During his service, he earned the Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz, Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber, Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse and Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse.
Incredibly interesting, that he wrote down all his wartime memoirs in a small book he made himself!
Original DRK-Verwendungsbuch for a DRK-Helferin. She served with the Sonderlazarett O.K.H. (Oberkommando des Heeres) which was the Brugmann Hospital in Brussels, Belgium! She was awarded the Medaille für deutsche Volkspflege. Complete with photograph. Condition as seen.
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of a Gebirgsjäger, who served with the 97. Jäger-Division “Spielhahnjäger” - See the Unit Cap Badge on his Cap! Condition as seen.
Original Soldbuch & Erkennungsmarke (with Pouch) of Unteroffzier Dressel, who served with Infanterie-Regiment 102, Eingreifsgruppe Stengel (not much it found but seems to be an adhoc anti-partisan unit?) before ending up with Grenadier-Regiment 124 of the 72. Infanterie-Division which fought near Baranow and the Oder near the end of the war. During his service, he earned the Medaille Erinnerung a.d. 1. Oktober 1938, Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen, Eisernes Kreuw 2. Klasse and the Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz.
Interesting entries include that of "Kämpfer der Infanterie" below the Fuhrergeschenk entry on page 21. This was an "upgraded version" of the Führergeschenk.
Erkennungsmarke (dogtag) reads -14- 8.(M.G.)J.R.102 meaning 8. (Maschinengewehr) Kompanie/ Infanterie-Regiment 102. Comes with its original pouch.
Condition as seen. Complete with photo.
Original Wehrpass of Obergefreiter Klinger, who during World War 2 served with the Infanterie-Regiment 301 & 664 and ended with the Stab II./ Grenadier-Regiment 576 when he Killed in Action on February 6, 1945 in Italy, southeast of Bologna. He was decorated with the Winterschlacht im Osten, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse. Condition as seen.
Interesting that the Ostmedaille was entered twice.
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of a Gebirgsjäger officer, who served with the Gebirjgsjäger-Regiment 144 of the 3. Gebirgs-Division. Condition as seen.
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of a Gebirgsjäger, who served with the Jäger-Regiment 204 of the 97. Jäger-Division "Spielhahnjäger". Condition as seen.
Original award document of Leutnant Heinrich Zentz for the Kriegsverdienstkreuzkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern (War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords) on September 1, 1943. Signed by General der Pioniere Walter Kuntze (Knight’s Cross). Condition as seen.
Original Soldbuch, Wehrpass & Zeugnis of Obergefreiter Rieger who during World War II served with the Flak-Abteilung 193 (v) and gemischte Flak-Abteilung 364 (o). Most notable, he was trained as a Hilfskrankenträger and was issued a 'Hilfskrankenträger' armband. During his service, he earned the Tätigkeitsabzeichen der Flak-Artillerie and served in France and Jersey!