Original Wartime Signature on a Photo of Günther Hoffmann-Schönborn. Major Günther Hoffmann-Schönborn (01.05.1905 † 04.04.1970) earned the Ritterkreuz on May 14, 1941 and the Eichenlaub on December 31, 1941 as Major und Kommandeur of the Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 191 “Büffel”. Good condition. Measuring: 9,8×6,8cm.
Knight’s Cross: Awarded for his support of Gruppe Ens during the breakthrough of the Metaxas line. Despite the strong enemy defensive fire and the difficult terrain he managed to bring his Sturmgeschütze into a suitable firing position for covering the attack of Gruppe Ens. This support was invaluable for the Gruppe’s success, enabling it to breakthrough the enemy line and help trigger the collapse of the enemy front. (via Traces of War)
Oakleaves: Awarded for the distinguished leadership of his Abteilung during the advance to the Dnieper river, the crossing of the river and in the subsequent encirclement battle of Kiev. (via Traces of War)