Photo Postcard of Bildarchiv Krupp-Germaniawerft Kiel (Nr. 10/24) of Knight’s Cross Holder Hans Rösing, who earned the Ritterkreuz on August 29, 1940 as Korvettenkapitän and Kommandant of U-48, which was awarded for sinking 12 ships (with 60701 GRT) and damaging 1 more (with 5888 GRT) in just 2 patrols as the commander of U 48. Hans Rösing passed away on December 16, 2004. Good condition. Postcardsize.
Krupp-Germaniawerft Aktiengesellschaft Kiel-Gaarden issued 24 postcards of Kriegsmarine Knight’s Cross Holders. On the front, a facismile signature of the KC-Holder was added. A special booklet was also issued to glue in the postcards.