Original Postwar Signature on a Postwar Photo of Heinrich Kröhne. Major Heinrich Kröhne (15.08.1914 in Hartau † 03.03.2015 in Brühl) earned the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on February 24, 1945 as Major und Kommandeur of Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 190.
Awarded for the outstanding leadership of his Sturmgeschütz-Brigade during the fighting in late 1944 and early 1945. The following evening report sent from the XXVII. Armee-Korps to the 2. Armee on the 14.02.1945 describes the fighting of the Brigade that formed the most important element of Kröhne’s being decorated with the Knight’s Cross…
“The Korps has nominated the Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 190 for a citation in a Wehrmachtbericht addendum. This Brigade has fought in daily engagements at the hotspots of the Korps front since the 14.01.1945, that is, for a whole month. In this time it has played a decisive part in fulfilling the objectives of the Korps and in maintaining the integrity of its frontline under the careful guidance of its excellent commander, Major Kröhne. In this time the Brigade destroyed 104 enemy tanks and 106 anti-tank guns for the loss of just 4 Sturmgeschütze. Of particular note is that the Brigade, despite daily operations and receiving no replacement vehicles, has nonetheless been able to maintain relatively high numbers of battle-worthy vehicles.”