Original Postcard with Wartime Signature of Ludwig Wolff. General der Infanterie Ludwig Wolff (03.04.1893 † 09.11.1968) earned the Ritterkreuz on May 26, 1940 as Oberst und Kommandeur of the Infanterie-Regiment 192 of the 56. Infanterie-Division and the Eichenlaub on June 22, 1942 as Generalmajor und Kommandeur of the 22. Infanterie-Division. He wrote on top “Immer Vorwärts!” Good condition. Measuring: Postcardsize.
Ritterkreuz: “Oberst Wolff was the first to force a crossing over the Schelde and Lys rivers during the German invasion of the Low Countries in 1940, and thus contributed decisively to the overall German victory. Under his personal leadership his regiment crossed the Lys near Nevele using inflatable rafts, and about 5000 prisoners were taken during this fight. For these successes Wolff would be awarded the Knight’s Cross.”
Eichenlaub: “Awarded for his superb command of his 22. Infanterie-Division during the battles for the Crimea in early 1942. Particularly noteworthy was his Division’s successful storming of Fort Stalin on the 13.06.1942.”