Original Postwar Signature on a Postwar Photo of Paul Golbach. Leutnant Paul Golbach (14.07.1915 † 18.10.2004) earned the Ritterkreuz on October 13, 1941 as Oberwachtmeister und Zugführer in the 5. Batterie/ Artillerie-Regiment 263 of the 263. Infanterie-Division. Good condition. Postcardsize.
Ritterkreuz: “Oberwachtmeister Paul Golbach… received the Knight’s Cross on the 13.10.1941. With this he was recognized for his achievements as the leader of forwardly emplaced cannons in an Artillerie-Abteilung. In this capacity he destroyed 6 tanks, 4 motorized artillery pieces and 3 trucks with mounted infantry. He also crushed multiple Bolshevik infantry attacks and had an invaluable share in the destruction/disabling of 6 additional enemy tanks.”