Original TOP set of a Luftschutz-Polizei member who was wounded during the Bombing of Essen on March 5, 1943 and was awarded the Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz! He later was also decorated with the Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern. His Luftschutz-Dienstbuch is complete with photo (rare to see!). Set includes his Luftschutz-Dienstbuch, Wehrpass, several photographs, award document for the VWA & Ehrenkreuz, extra paper.
From Wikipedia:
“March 5/6: 442 aircraft in the first raid of the Battle of the Ruhr on the night that marked RAF Bomber Command’s 100,000th sortie of the war. Fourteen aircraft (4 Lancasters, 4 Wellingtons, 3 Halifaxes, 3 Stirlings) were lost: 3.2 per cent of the force. A further 56 aircraft turned back early. Three of these were Oboe-equipped Mosquito marker aircraft leaving five to mark the target. Marking was carried out ‘blind’, avoiding the effects of the industrial haze that usually concealed Essen. The Main Force bombed in 3 waves. Two thirds of the bomb tonnage was incendiary, the rest high-explosive. One third of the high-explosive bombs were fused for long delay. The attack lasted for 40 minutes. Reconnaissance photographs showed 160 acres (0.65 km2) of destruction with buildings within the Krupp works hit by bombs.”
“On 5 March 1943 Essen was subjected to one of the heaviest air-raids of the war. 461 people were killed, 1,593 injured and a further 50,000 residents of Essen were made homeless.”
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