Original Postwar Signature on a Postwar Photo of Siegfried Fischer. Oberfeldwebel Siegfried Fischer (27.11.1918 † 26.03.1998) earned the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on October 17, 1943 as Unteroffizier in the II. Gruppe/ Sturzkampfgeschwader 1 and the Ritterkreuz on February 28, 1945 as Oberfeldwebel und Flugzeugführer in the 8. Staffel/ Schlachtgeschwader 1.
Knight’s Cross: “Awarded for his successes as a ground attack pilot. He was recognized for having flown 670 sorties in both the Mediterranean and on the Eastern front. He achieved particularly success against bridges, destroying about 30 important ones including the supply road bridge west of Smolensk, the Ukra bridge near Yukhnov and the Volga bridge near Rzhev. Fischer would also accomplish notable feats as a ground attack pilot from the fall of 1944 onwards, a time in which he earned the nickname “Blitz von Pommern” (Pomeranian Lightning). On one day he shot down 2 enemy fighters despite carrying a full payload, and then went on to destroy 4 tanks with rockets.”
Provenance: This signature comes from one of the largest postwar signature collection I’ve ever commissioned. This collection was started by a Waffen-SS Veteran, Werner H., in the 1950’s until he passed away.