Original Extremely Rare Postwar Signature of Wilhelm Wegner. Oberwachtmeister Wilhelm Wegner (21.09.1914 † 10.03.1989) earned the Ritterkreuz on July 13, 1943 as Oberwachtmeister und Zugführer in the 1. Kompanie/ Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung “Großdeutschland”.
Ritterkreuz: On march 14th Wilhelm Wegners platoon had to support the 3rd Schwadron of Pz.Aufklärungsbteilung GD. When the assault began at 9am the Schadron sat on Wegners “Sturmgeschützen”. After the first contact to the enemy at “Stanowoje” the Schwadron dicovered huge amounts of enemy troops there. Athough the russians were in superiority Wegner decided to attack the enemy at its flank. Totally surprised of this assault of the small german force the Russians lost a few tanks and had to pull back. Wegners Sturmgeschütz killed 6 tanks at this short fight. For that action of bravery Wegner was awarded the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on June 13th 1943.