Original Postwar Signature on a Postwar Photocopy of Willi Braun. Fahnenjunker-Feldwebel Willi Braun (21.07.1920 † 16.02.1994) earned the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on May 17, 1943 as Unteroffizier in the 4. Staffel/ Kampfgeschwader 55 “Greif” and the Ritterkreuz on June 9, 1944 as Fahnenjunker-Feldwebel und Beobachter in the 4. Staffel/ Kampfgeschwader 55 “Greif”. Good condition. Measuring: Postcardsize. Comes with an extra signed letter.
Knight’s Cross: “Awarded after participating in over 400 bombing sorties. By this time he had assisted in the destruction of 11 tanks, 236 trucks, 8 transport, 5 fuel and 2 ammunition trains, several ammunition/fuel depots and a number of smaller merchant vessels.”