Original award document for the Dienstauszeichnung III. Klasse of Gefreiter Grasberger, who served with the 5. Kompanie/ Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment 2. Awarded in August 1918. Condition as seen.
Original Award Document Set of Wachtmeister Möschwitzer, who served with the 2. Batterie/ Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 191 and Artillerie-Regiment 256. Awards document present are:
Original Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen für 25 Jahre (25 Years Loyal Service Award) with casing, maker marked with Rudolf Wächtler & Lange! MINT. Condition as seen.
Original Wehrmacht Campaign “Afrika” Cufftitle. Camel hair constructed cufftitle, with two palms trees surrounding Afrika. This cufftitle was awarded to all soldiers that served on the North-Africa front and was worn on the left lower arm. Condition as seen.
Original award document set of Obergefreiter Hofer, who served with the 12. Kompanie/ Infanterie-Regiment 42 of the 46. Infanterie-Division and the Landesschützen-Bataillon 807 (Nürnberg).
Award documents include:
the Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber, earned on December 24, 1941, signed by Oberst Ernst Maisel!
the Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42
Ernst Maisel as a Generalmajor, was the Chief of the Office Group for Officers' Education and Welfare of the Army Personnel Office. One of his responsibilities in this appointment was to be court protocol officer of the Army court of honour that investigated army officers suspected of involvement in the 20 July plot. In this capacity on 14 October 1944, he arrived with General Wilhelm Burgdorf at the home of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. Burgdorf had been instructed by Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel to offer Rommel three choices: report to Hitler to exculpate himself; admit guilt, take poison, receive a state funeral, and obtain immunity for his family; or face a treason trial. Rommel drove away with Burgdorf and Maisel and committed suicide shortly thereafter.
Condition as seen.
Original Wehrmacht (Heer) studioportrait of a soldier wearing cyphered shoulderboards "A" (for Aufklärer?), Funker cloth badge. Postcardsize. Condition as seen.
Original Wehrmacht (Heer) studioportrait of a "Jäger" soldier wearing awards (Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen & Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz) and the Jäger cloth badge. Postcardsize. Condition as seen.
Original Wehrmacht (Heer) studioportrait of a soldier wearing awards (Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen & Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz). Postcardsize. Condition as seen.