Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of a Gebirgsjäger, he served with the Pionier-Bataillon 97 of the 97. leichte Infanterie-Division "Spielhahnjäger". Condition as seen.
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of Unteroffizier Hans Reißer, who served as Nachtjäger in 5. Staffel/ Kampfgeschwader 51. He flew the Messerschmitt Me 410 "Hornisse" and crashed in Montidier, France in July 1944!
Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of Unteroffizier Aicher, who served with the Eisenbahnpanzerzug. Family only learned 12 years later that he was Killed in Action in July 1944! Obviously printed after the war but original (no reprint).
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Willibald Engelbrecht, who lost his life while serving on U-609. Condition as seen.
Sunk at 2204hrs on 6 February 1943 in the North Atlantic south-east of Cape Farwell, in position 54.56N, 28.11W, by depth charges from the Free French corvette Lobelia. 47 dead (all hands lost). (Source: Read more about U-609.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Martin Braun, who lost his life while serving on U-578. Condition as seen.
Missing since 6 August 1942 in the Bay of Biscay. No explanation exists for its loss. 49 dead (all hands lost). (Source: Read more about U-578.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Otto Lehr, who lost his life while serving on U-567. Condition as seen.
Sunk on 21 December 1941 in the North Atlantic north-east of the Azores, in position 44.02N, 20.10W, by depth charges from the British sloop HMS Deptford. 47 dead (all hands lost). (Source: Read more about U-567.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Josef Schillinger, who lost his life while serving on U-520. Condition as seen.
Sunk on 30 October 1942 in the North Atlantic east of Newfoundland, in position 47.47N, 49.50W, by depth charges from a Canadian Digby aircraft 747 (10 Sqn RCAF/Z). 53 dead (all hands lost). (Source: Read more about U-520.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Hans Hobelsberger, who lost his life while serving on U-460. Condition as seen.
Sunk 4 Oct 1943 in the North Atlantic north of the Azores, in position 43.18N, 28.58W, by depth charges from Avenger and Wildcat aircraft (VC-9) of the American escort carrier USS Card. 62 dead and 2 survivors. (Source: Read more about U-460.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Anton Bergbauer, who lost his life while serving on U-460. Condition as seen.
Sunk 4 Oct 1943 in the North Atlantic north of the Azores, in position 43.18N, 28.58W, by depth charges from Avenger and Wildcat aircraft (VC-9) of the American escort carrier USS Card. 62 dead and 2 survivors. (Source: Read more about U-460.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Johann "Hans" Stuck, who lost his life while serving on U-418. Condition as seen.
Sunk on 30 May 1943 in the Bay of Biscay south-west of Brest, France, in position 47.00N, 14.00W, by depth charges from a British Catalina aircraft (210 Sqn RAF/G). 48 dead (all hands lost). (Source: Read more about U-418.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Karl Huf, who lost his life while serving on U-384. Condition as seen.
Sunk at 1745hrs on 19 March 1943 in the North Atlantic west of Ireland, in position 54.18N, 26.15W, by depth charges from a British Fortress aircraft (206 Sqn RAF/B). 47 dead (all hands lost).. (Source: Read more about U-384.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Oskar Wieder, who lost his life while serving on U-336. Condition as seen.
Sunk on 5 October 1943 in the Denmark Strait south-west of Iceland, in position 62.43N, 27.17W, by rockets from a British Hudson aircraft (269 Sqn RAF/F). 50 dead (all hands lost).. (Source: Read more about U-336.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Josef Schneider, who lost his life while serving on U-332. Condition as seen.
Sunk on 29 April 1943 in the Bay of Biscay north of Cape Finisterre, Spain, in position 45.08N, 09.33W, by depth charges from a British Liberator aircraft (224 Sqn RAF/D). 45 dead (all hands lost).. (Source: Read more about U-332.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Heinrich Jerzenbeck, who lost his life while serving on U-254. Condition as seen.
Sank on 8 December 1942 in the North Atlantic south-east of Cape Farewell, in position 58.45N, 33.02W, after a collision with U-221. 41 dead and 4 survivors.. (Source: Read more about U-254.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Sepp Grundl, who lost his life while serving on U-226. Condition as seen.
Sunk on 6 November 1943 in the North Atlantic east of Newfoundland, in position 44.49N, 41.13W, by depth charges from the British sloops HMS Starling, HMS Woodcock and HMS Kite. 51 dead (all hands lost). (Read more about U-226.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Ferdinand Popijal, who lost his life while serving on U-215. Condition as seen.
Sunk on 3 July 1942 in the North Atlantic east of Boston, in position 41.48N, 66.38W, by depth charges from the British anti-submarine trawler HMS Le Tiger. 48 dead (all hands lost).. (Read more about U-215.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Heinrich Lutz, who lost his life while serving on U-194. Condition as seen.
Sunk on 24 June 1943 in the North Atlantic south-west of Iceland, in position 59.00N, 26.18W, by a Fido homing torpedo from a US Catalina aircraft (VP-84 USN/G). 54 dead (all hands lost). (Read more about U-194.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Xaver Ehrensperger, who lost his life while serving on U-189. Condition as seen.
Sunk on 23 April 1943 in the North Atlantic east of Cape Farewell, Greenland, in position 59.50N, 34.43W, by depth charges from a British Liberator aircraft (120 Sqn RAF/V). 54 dead (all hands lost).. (Read more about U-189.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot crew member Rudolf Braun, who lost his life while serving with U-74. Condition as seen.
Sunk on 2 May 1942 in the Mediterranean east-southeast of Cartagena, Spain, in position 37.12N, 00.01E, by depth charges from the British destroyers HMS Wishart and HMS Wrestler. 47 dead (all hands lost)... (Source: Read more about U-74.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot member Christoph Kubitza who lost his life while serving with U-266. Good condition.
Sunk on 15 May 1943 in the North Atlantic north-west of Spain, in position 45.28N, 10.20W, by depth charges from a British Halifax aircraft (58 Sqn RAF/M). 47 dead (all hands lost). (Source: Read more about U-266.)
Original Death Card (“Sterbebild”) of U-boot member Anton Feldwebel who lost his life while serving with U-3523. Good condition.
U-3523 was sunk by depth charges from a British B-24 Liberator of 86 Squadron/G RAF about 10 nautical miles (19 km; 12 mi) north of Skagen Horn, in the Skagerrak on 6 May 1945. All 58 crewmen were lost. (Source: Read more about U-3520.)