Original Wehrmacht (Heer) studioportrait of a soldier wearing awards (Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen and Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber / Gold (?)). Postcardsize. Condition as seen.
Original Wehrmacht (Heer) studioportrait of a NCO wearing a Feldmütze (notice the alu eagle on the cap!!) and awards (Allgemeines-Sturmabzeichen, Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz and Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse). Postcardsize. Condition as seen.
Original Wehrmacht (Heer) studioportrait of an Officer wearing awards (Allgemeines-Sturmabzeichen, Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber or Gold (?) and Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse). Postcardsize. Condition as seen.
Original Wehrmacht (Heer) studioportrait of a soldier wearing shoulderboards with embroided "M 47" for Maschinengewehr-Bataillon 47 (MG-Bataillon 47). Postcardsize. Condition as seen.
Original Wehrmacht (Heer) studioportrait of a NCO soldier wearing M43 Feldmütze and awards (Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen, VWA). Postcardsize. Condition as seen.
Original Wehrmacht (Heer) studioportrait of a soldier wearing the tropical uniform with awards (ASA, EK1, VWA Schwarz). Taken in Coburg. Postcardsize. Condition as seen.
Original Wehrmacht (Heer) studioportrait of an officer wearing awards (EK1, Allgemeines-Sturmabzeichen and likely a HJ Award). P on the shoulderboards? Postcardsize. Condition as seen.
Original Wartime Signature on a Photo of Eduard Dietl. Generaloberst Eduard Dietl (21.07.1890 † 23.06.1944) earned the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on May 9, 1940 as Generalleutnant und Kommandeur of the 3. Gebirgs-Division, the Eichenlaub on July 19, 1940 as Generalleutnant und Kommandierender General of the Gebirgs-Korps Norwegen and the Schwertern on July 1, 1944 as Generaloberst und Oberbefehlshaber of the 20. Gebirgsarmee. Condition as seen. Postcardsize.
Original Wartime Portrait, Photos & Postwar Death Letter of Siegfried Kempf. Generalmajor Siegfried Kempf (15.03.1896 in Potsdam † 23.09.1964 in Heidelberg) earned the Deutsches Kreuz in Silber on October 20, 1943 as Oberst und Chef of the Abteilung Chiffrierwesen, Amtsgruppe Wehrmacht-Nachrichtenverbindungen, Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. Condition as seen.
Original Wartime Studioportrait with Wartime Signature of Fritz Fessmann. Major der Reserve Fritz Feßmann (25.12.1913 † 11.10.1944) earned the Ritterkreuz in June 1940 and the Eichenlaub on October 27, 1941 as Leutnant der Reserve und Zugführer in the 1. Kompanie/ Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 7 of the 4. Panzer-Division and the Schwerternon January 4, 1943 as Oberleutnant der Reserve und Chef of the 1. Kompanie/ Kradschützen-Bataillon 64 of the 14. Panzer-Division. Measuring: Postcardsize.
Original studioportrait of the Hauptfeldwebel (named on the back with FPNr.) of 3. Batterie/ Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 264 which was stationed at Batterie Gavres in Lorient! Postcardsize.
Original wartime portrait of a Flak & Kriegsmarine soldier. Interestingly, the Kriegsmarine soldier is wearing a cap badge. Looks like an Anchor? Postcardsize.
Photolot of Eugen Selhorst. Oberleutnant Eugen Selhorst (25.06.1914 † 27.03.1971) earned the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on June 8, 1942 as Oberleutnant with the II. Bataillon/ Infanterie-Regiment 186 and the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on October 6, 1942 as Oberleutnant und Führer of the I. Bataillon/ Infanterie-Regiment 186 of the 73. Infanterie-Division. Condition as seen.
Original Wartime Portrait of Eugen Selhorst. Oberleutnant Eugen Selhorst (25.06.1914 † 27.03.1971) earned the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on June 8, 1942 as Oberleutnant with the II. Bataillon/ Infanterie-Regiment 186 and the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on October 6, 1942 as Oberleutnant und Führer of the I. Bataillon/ Infanterie-Regiment 186 of the 73. Infanterie-Division. Condition as seen. Postcardsize.
Original Wartime Portrait of Eugen Selhorst. Oberleutnant Eugen Selhorst (25.06.1914 † 27.03.1971) earned the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on June 8, 1942 as Oberleutnant with the II. Bataillon/ Infanterie-Regiment 186 and the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on October 6, 1942 as Oberleutnant und Führer of the I. Bataillon/ Infanterie-Regiment 186 of the 73. Infanterie-Division. Condition as seen. Postcardsize.
Original Wartime Portrait with Wartime Signature of Wilhelm Odenhardt. Oberfeldwebel Wilhelm Odenhardt (26.01.1914 † 12.04.1992) earned the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on May 17, 1943 with Kampfgeschwader 4 “General Wever” and the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on October 24, 1944 as Oberfeldwebel und Beobachter in the 4. Staffel/ Kampfgeschwader 4 “General Wever”. Condition as seen. Postcardsize.
Original Wartime Portrait of Clemens Funke. Oberfeldwebel Clemens Funke (22.12.1915 † ) earned the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on January 12, 1943 as Feldwebel in the 2. (H) Staffel/ Aufklärungsgruppe 21 of the Luftwaffe. Condition as seen. Postcardsize.
Original Studioportrait of a Oberfeldwebel wearing the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold and Ritterkreuz! On thick carton paper. Condition as seen. Size: 15,5x21,5cm.