Original Postwar Signature on a Postwar Photo of Artur Lorfing. Obergefreiter Artur Lorfing (23.05.1922 in Groß Schirrau † 12.09.2015 in Bochum) earned the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzeson May 9, 1945 as Obergefreiter in the 1. Kompanie/ Grenadier-Regiment 956 of the 362. Infanterie-Division. Condition as seen. Large A5 size.
Original Postwar Signature on a Postwar Photo of Willi Hammerich. Oberleutnant Willi Hammerich (17.12.1921 in Fleckeby † 21.11.2010 in Schulensee) earned the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzeson December 9, 1944 as Oberleutnant und Chef of the 4. Kompanie/ Grenadier-Regiment 956 of the 362. Infanterie-Division. Condition as seen. Postcardsize.
Original Postwar Signature on a Postwar Photo of Kurt Brill. Major Kurt Brill (19.01.1916 in Otterberg † 25.05.1978 in Otterberg) earned the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzeson July 4, 1944 as Major und stellvertretender Führer of the Grenadier-Regiment 956 of the 362. Infanterie-Division.
Awarded for his actions at the Anzio front on the 29.05.1944. On this day the Allies achieved a 1.5 km deep penetration into the frontline of Brill’s Kampfgruppe, which was located on the western wing of the 362. Infanterie-Division. The II./Grenadier-Regiment 1060 (without 1. Kompanie) was dispatched to the area, and Brill used it to cut off the penetration at its base by rolling up the trenches there. The Bataillon made contact with the eastern wing of the 3. Panzergrenadier-Division just as the Allies resumed their attack from the outside, and the soldiers that had been cut off by this maneuver were either killed or captured in the area atop and south of the Cenaro hill on the 29.-30.05.1944. Major Brill would be recognized appropriately for this tactical victory.
Provenance: This signature comes from one of the largest postwar signature collection I’ve ever commissioned. This collection was started by a Waffen-SS Veteran, Werner H., in the 1950’s until he passed away.
Original set of an Award document, POW Certificate of Discharge and Soldbuch of Obergefreiter Andreas Eberle. He first served with the Reichsverkehrsdirektion Kiew of the Deutsche Reichsbahn, where he held the rank of Rangieraufseher. Here he earned the Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten. In June 1944, he joined the Wehrmacht and started out his training with the Gebirgs-Artillerie-Ersatz-Abteilung 79. Soon after, he was transferred to the 13. Kompanie/ Grenadier-Regiment 1059 of the 362. Infanterie-Division. Being equipped with a 89k rifle in October 1944. He served on the Italian front, most notable, he fought at Bologna, Senio bei Lugo - Fusignano, Po, Etsch, Brenta and Belluno - Ponte nelle Alpi, the road the division took from October '44 until May '45. He survived the war and even noted in the Soldbuch is that he belonged to POW Lager 12/I. Soldbuch complete. Set is in good condition.