Original Wartime Signature on a Postcard of Bruno Kohnz. Leutnant Bruno Kohnz (06.10.1914 † 04.05.1945) earned the Deutsches Kreuz in Goldon September 4, 1942; the Ritterkreuz on December 21, 1942 and the Eichenlaub on March 6, 1943 as Oberfeldwebel und Zugführer of the 11. Kompanie/ Jäger-Regiment 207 of the 97. Jäger-Division. Good condition. Measuring: Postcardsize.
Ritterkreuz: "In October 1942, in the area around Tuapse, Oberfeldwebel Kohnz and 19 men stormed three strongly fortified Soviet bunker positions on the so called “Rippe” ridge. They captured 300 prisoners and numerous guns. For this act Kohnz would be decorated with the Knight’s Cross."
Eichenlaub: "Awarded for his counterthrust on the 20.01.1943 at Grigorjewskaja. On this day Oberfeldwebel Kohnz was at the main dressing station when it suddenly came under attack from 600-700 Soviets. On his own initiative he immediately rallied all the drivers, radio operators, messengers and lightly wounded men he could muster and launched a counterattack. 24 men against an enemy who outnumbered them 30-1.Incredibly, Kohnz and his force managed to win the battle. In this process they captured 183 prisoners and 8 guns. They also succeeded in freeing the regimental supply trains, restoring the connection between two battalions and preventing the interdiction of the Korps supply line."