Original Soldbuch of Leutnant Alois Ban, who served with the Gebirgs-Artillerie-Regiment 118 of the 6. Gebirgs-Division fighting in Norway, Finland etc. before becoming an officer and serving with the Gebirgs-Artillerie-Regiment 112 of the 3. Gebirgs-Division. He became multiple times wounded in 1944 and 1945! He earned the Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber and the Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern. Complete, thought cover is lose and some pages as can be seen. There was never a photo in it. Stained with blood? Condition as seen.
Original Soldbuch of Unteroffizier Sobetz, who served with the Gebirgs-Artillerie-Regiment 111 of the 2. Gebirgs-Division which fought in Norway & Finland. Complete without a photo, no awards.