Original Postwar Signature on a Postwar Photo of Gerhard Fischer. SS-Unterscharführer Gerhard Fischer (12.11.1922 † 01.01.2013) earned the Ritterkreuz on May 4, 1944 as SS-Unterscharführer und stellvertretender Zugführer in the 3. Kompanie/ SS-Panzerjäger-Abteilung 5 of the 5. SS-Panzer-Division “Wiking”. Good condition. Measuring: Postcardsize.
Original Postwar Signature on a Postwar Photo of Gerhard Fischer. SS-Unterscharführer Gerhard Fischer (12.11.1922 † 01.01.2013) earned the Ritterkreuz on May 4, 1944 as SS-Unterscharführer und stellvertretender Zugführer in the 3. Kompanie/ SS-Panzerjäger-Abteilung 5 of the 5. SS-Panzer-Division “Wiking”. Good condition. Measuring: Postcardsize. Plus extra letter.
Original Postwar Signature of Gerhard Fischer. Major Gerhard Fischer (04.12.1915 † 09.08.2014) earned the Ritterkreuz on December 28, 1943 as Oberleutnant und Chef of the 8. Kompanie/ Panzer-Regiment 23 of the 23. Panzer-Division. He also earned the Panzerkampfabzeichen V. Stufe (Einsatzahl “100”). Good Condition. Measuring: Postcardsize. Comes with an extra signed letter.
Original Postwar Signature of Gerhard Fischer. Major Gerhard Fischer (04.12.1915 † 09.08.2014) earned the Ritterkreuz on December 28, 1943 as Oberleutnant und Chef of the 8. Kompanie/ Panzer-Regiment 23 of the 23. Panzer-Division. He also earned the Panzerkampfabzeichen V. Stufe (Einsatzahl “100”). Good Condition. Measuring 8,8x12,5cm. Comes with an extra signed letter.