Original Postwar Signature on a Postwar Photo of Theodor von Lücken. Hauptmann Theodor von Lücken (24.04.1914 † 15.11.1986) earned the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on March 2, 1942 as Oberleutnant und Führer of the II. Bataillon/ Grenadier-Regiment 502 and the Eichenlaub on May 7, 1944 as Hauptmann und Kommandeur of the I. Bataillon/ Grenadier-Regiment 686 of the 336. Infanterie-Division.
Provenance: This signature comes from one of the largest postwar signature collection I’ve ever commissioned. This collection was started by a Waffen-SS Veteran, Werner H., in the 1950’s until he passed away.
Set of Oberfeldwebel Hermann Wilke, who served with the Grenadier-Regiment 502 of the 290. Infanterie-Division. He met his fate on September 15, 1944 in Latvia when he was Killed in Action. During his service, he earned 8x awards! The Dienstauszeichnung IV. Klasse, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse, Deutsche Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen, Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen, Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse, Winterschlacht im Osten, Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz & Nahkampfspange I. Klasse in Bronze!
The set comes with:
The Wehrpass, which is a zweitschrift without photo.
Award document for the Winterschlacht im Osten
Award document for the Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen
Award document for the Dienstauszeichnung IV. Klasse