Original Soldbuch & Postwar I.D. of Unteroffizier Achtsmit who served as a Panzerfunker & Funktruppführer in the Panzer-Regiment 33 and Panzergrenadier-Regiment 10 of the 9. Panzer-Division! During his service, he was decorated with the Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber & Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse. Got wounded in 1943 and this may have been the end of his active service at the front. Complete with photo! Great and interesting Soldbuch! Condition as seen.
Original Soldbuch of Josef Mitterer, born on December 18, 1914 in Rössing. Wehrpass opened on June 9, 1936. He wore the Erkennungsmarke: -1- Stabsbatterie III./A.R.27.He served with the following (notable) unit(s):
Stab der III./ Artillerie-Regiment 27
Stab der III./ Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 27 der 17. Panzer-Division
He earned the following award(s):
on 07.08.1942 the Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42
on 01.07.1943 the Allgemeines-sturmabzeichen
on 01.08.1943 the Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
01.11.1941 to Oberkanonier
01.01.1942 to Gefreiter
01.10.1942 to Obergefreiter
Complete with excellent photo in Panzer Uniform. Nothing was denazified or censored. Condition as seen.
Original Soldbuch & Award document of Oberfeldwebel Rudolf Crecelius, born on January 26, 1914 in Miehlen and was a Bäcker as profession. The (Ersatz)Soldbuch was opened on March 27, 1944 by the Stamm-Batterie/ schwere Artillerie-Ersatz-Abteilung 70. He wore the Erkennungsmarke: -10- St.A.R.627. He was a Hetzer crew member (awarded the PKA in Silber and the unit was equipped with Hetzer), perhaps even a Kommandant of Hetzer (rank, binoculars) !Soldbuch complete with photo. Nothing was denazified or censored. Condition as seen.
Original Schirmmütze für Offiziere der Panzertruppe (Visor Cap for Officers of the Panzertroops). Beautiful elegant Visor Cap, with Waffenfarbe Rosa, with eagle and kokarde in aluminium. In top condition except for the small mothing on the top and the hole in the inside. Maker marked with the more rare "LDD" (Louis Lorz Darmstadt) and size "57 1/2".
Original Postwar Signature on a Postwar Photo of Josef-Wilhelm Rettemeier. Major Josef-Wilhelm Rettemeier (17.09.1914 † 19.12.1997) earned the Ritterkreuz on December 5, 1943 as Hauptmann und Kommandeurof Panzer-Abteilung 5 and the Eichenlaub on March 13, 1945 as Hauptmann und Kommandeurof Panzer-Abteilung 5. Good Condition. Measuring: 9x13cm.
Eichenlaub awarded for: "Panzer-Abteilung 5 was placed in support of the 267. Infanterie-Division during its defensive battle near Stary Bychoff (north of Rogatschew) on the 02.03.1944. 8 Soviet divisions were employed against this 1 German division. However the defenders prevented a breakthrough while smashing every attack by the Soviets. 20 Soviet tanks were destroyed in this battle. Rettemeier and his Panzer-Abteilung were crucial for the German victory here, and in recognition of this fact the 267. Infanterie-Division recommended him for the Oakleaves to his Knight’s Cross."
Original Wehrpass of Unteroffizier Konrad Scholz, who served with the Panzerfunk-Kompanie 88 and later with Sturmgeschütz-Batterie 741. He earned the Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42, Kraftfahrbewährungs-Abzeichen in Bronze, Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen and Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse. He was Killed in Action on April 9, 1944.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht describes what happened on that day: "9.4. (Ostersonntag) Verlust unsere letzten beiden „Eisbären“- Geschütze kurz vor Kesselausbruch durch russische Panzerbüchen bei Übergang in dichtem Waldgelände an der Strypa. Ihre mit Munition vollgepackten Kampfräume explodieren, 3 Tote, 5 Schwerverletzte: Pz.Fahrer Engelhardt Bäcker (stirbt später im Lazarett an seinen schweren Brandverletzungen), Ladekanonier Eckmann (schwere Fußverletzung), der zweite Gesch.Führer, Richt.-Uffz. und Pz.Fahrer." Likely, he was on of the crew members that was Killed.
Postwar Signature of Ortwin Pohl, who earned the German Cross in Gold as Chef 4. Kompanie/ SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 "Das Reich" of the 2. SS-Panzer-Division "Das Reich".
Postwar Signature of Ortwin Pohl, who earned the German Cross in Gold as Chef 4. Kompanie/ SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 "Das Reich" of the 2. SS-Panzer-Division "Das Reich". Stunning photograph with (1) Ernst Barkmann, (2) Egon Cohrt, (3) Ortwin Pohl and (4) Franz Frauscher.
Postwar Signature of Rudolf von Ribbentrop, Knight’s Cross Holder of the 12. SS-Panzer-Division “Hitlerjugend” and son of Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop.
Postwar Signature of Otto Weidinger, dedicated to Remi Schrijnen on the reverse, Knight's Cross with Oakleaves (and Swords) holder of the SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 2 "Das Reich" and SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 4 "Der Führer" of the 2. SS-Panzer-Division "Das Reich". Scarce Signature.
Award document set (Iron Cross 2st Class, rare document variant of the Iron Cross 1st Class (A4 format) and October medal) of a Kradmelder which served with 3. Kompanie/ Panzer-Regiment 35 and who lost his arm after getting seriously wounded in action. Copy of a photograph from Trautner.
Death Card from two brothers, one was with the Infantry and one was with the Panzertruppen. Paul Bessler belonged to Panzer-Regiment 35 and died because of chest trauma as a result of a bomb.
12x Photographs of Panzer-Regiment 31, different sizes. Writing on backsides and album residue. Photographs show a grave, attacking the enemy, officers and more.